A Tournament Manager

A technique I use to choose from many options is a simple playoff. Example: I need an alien planet image.

  1. First I gatter some interesting images, only the ones I like.
  2. I put it in random pairs.
  3. For each pair, I compare the two options, choosing one and discarding the other. It results in a lesser list.
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until I have a winner.

To solve the “battles” you can make a features list, setting points and getting a final grade. You can get a random winner. You choose the way.

Simple playoff is not for every choice, but I think this is interesting.

So, I developed an app using Cordova an Onsen UI to manage this kind of tournament. You can use it even to make home tournaments!

If you want to try it, can get it from AppGallery, by Huawei. It’s named My Bracket.