Comparing hexadecimal numbers with dates, you can see it’s possible to use a 6-digits hexadecimal number representing a day. The year fits in 3 digits (<=4.096); month fits in 1 digit (16) and day in 2 (256, but we need only 31). It’s the same as a HTML color!
For example: today, 23th august. 2021 in hexadecimal is 7E5; august is 8; 23 in 16-base is 17. So, the color for today is #7E5817.
Thinking about, I made a PHP function 10 years ago. It returns a color for a given day. It’s like:
function daycolor($date) { $dts = strtotime($date); $y = dechex(date("Y", $dts)); $m = dechex(date("n", $dts)); $d = dechex(date("d", $dts)); if (strlen($d) < 2) { $d = "0" . $d; } $dc = "#$y$m$d"; return $dc; }
It’s a very simple code, easy to convert to any other language. Unfortunately, the colors come too similar, changing overly slow..